Being a rock shop, we carry all manner of supplies and lapidary equipment.  This includes tools, templates, and a wide selection of beads and beading supplies.

  • Beading pliers,
  • bead reamers,
  • sterling silver and gold filled clasps,
  • instructional books,
  • wire,
  • silk stringing material,
  • leather cord,
  • bead boards,
  • just to name a few items.

Our large selection of beads includes turquoise, onyx, carnelian, amethyst, mookite, shell, garnet, and other popular rocks and minerals. Very high end beads, such as tanzanite, sapphire, faceted garnet, aquamarine, tourmaline, etc are available as well, but require a longer time frame to ship.

We are very picky about our stone beads, carrying as high a quality as possible while keeping the price reasonable.  We do custom stringing and sell finished bead necklaces.

Lapidary / Metalsmithing Supplies & Equipment

Check out our large inventory of supplies and equipment - if you don't find what you need, call or email us!!


Navette templates
Navette templates
Navette templates
SKU template - nav
SKU 00241
Sparex #2
Sparex #2
Sparex #2
SKU 00004
Sold out
Template set
Template set
Template set
Out of stock
QT12 Rock Tumbler
QT12 Rock Tumbler
SKU 00229